Kamis, 27 Desember 2018

Ketika Sistem Islam Dicampakkan: Kehancuran dan Kekacauan Pasti Menghampiri

Seolah belum cukup menyakiti umat dengan janji-janji manis yang tampaknya hanya candaan, rezim lagi-lagi membuat umat kecewa dengan membekunya pemerintahan tatkala mendengar kabar duka menghampiri umat Islam Uyghur. Saudara se-aqidah yang seharusnya ibarat satu tubuh, tak didengar jeritannya oleh rezim ini. Rezim takluk dan tunduk dibawah tekanan China yang telah ‘berjasa’ memberikan banyak hutang kepada negara. Sehingga rezim hanya mengangguk patuh ketika diberikan syarat kesepakatan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia tak boleh ikut campur dengan apapun yang terjadi di China.

Sungguh miris ketika negeri bermayoritas muslim (dengan jumlah populasi muslim terbesar bahkan) justru diam ketika saudara seiman terancam kebebasan beragamanya. Umat muslim di Uyghur dipaksa menghilangkan keislaman mereka dan sama sekali tidak boleh menerapkan islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Seolah-olah itu belum cukup mengerikan, para anak-anak kecil dimasukkan ke panti asuhan dan dipisahkan dari orangtua mereka, para muslimah diperkosa dan dipaksa menikah dengan suka Han China yang jelas-jelas berbeda keyakinan dan aqidah. Para pemuda dan orang-orang tua dimasukkan paksa ke dalam camp-camp mengerikan yang mereka sebut camp re-education (pendidikan ulang). Semua dilakukan agar islam redup dalam jiwa muslim-muslimah Uyghur. Sementara kita di Indonesia? Terlalu segan menyuarakan aksi pembelaan hanya karna mengingat “betapa baik hatinya” China meminjamkan hutang. Terlalu segan hingga dengan tega menghilangkan sisi kemanusiaan untuk membantu muslim Uyghur menyuarakan hak keadilan.

Maka jika diperhatikan jelaslah tampak siapa yang kini intoleran. Islam atau mereka (musuh-musuh islam)? Ketika mereka berteriak islam intoleran hanya karena menolak melakukan hal-hal yang dinggap bertentangan dengan syariah islam, mereka malah melakukan sesuatu yang jelas-jelas lebih intoleran dan jauh dari aksi kemanusiaan. Pembombardiran Gaza, kekacauan Syiria, penjajahan di tanah Palestina, pelarian muslim Myanmar, semua terjadi dengan begitu mengenaskan dan bahkan sampai menghilangkan nyawa, hanya karena mereka berbeda aqidah dan agama. Dan mereka masih berani-berani menyebut Islam intoleran?

Dan lagi-lagi. Rezim diam. Dan parahnya malah menjalin kerja sama dengan orang-orang yang nyata-nyata merupakan musuh Islam.

Rindu rasanya ketika membaca sejarah, bagaimana Islam di bawah kekhilafahan Umar bin Khatab begitu bermartabat dan disegani. Bagaimana Islam di bawah kekhilafahan Umar bin Abdul Aziz yang begitu makmur dan sejahtera. Atau bagaimana kekhilafahan Islam di masa Abbasiyah yang pendidikannya begitu maju dan berpengaruh. Bahkan toleransi yang dipraktekkan pada masa Utsmani diakui kebenarannya oleh seorang orientalis Inggris, TW Arnold yang berkata, “The treatment of their Christian subjects by the Ottoman emperors—at least for two centuries after their conquest of Greece—exhibits a toleration such as was at that time quite unknown in the rest of Europe (Perlakuan terhadap warga Kristen oleh pemerintahan Khilafah Turki Utsmani—selama kurang lebih dua abad setelah penaklukan Yunani—telah memberikan contoh toleransi keyakinan yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal di daratan Eropa).” (The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith, 1896, hlm. 134). Mereka semua hidup dengan mempraktekkan hukum-hukum Islam dan berhasil mendapatkan rahmat dan kesejahteraan dengan Islam itu sendiri.

Sementara kita? Dengan sombongnya mencampakkan hukum islam buatan Allah dan menggantinya dengan hukum selain Islam buatan manusia. Padahal jika kita mau berpikir akan kita dapati bahwa memang tak ada yang lebih baik selain hukum Islam. Hukum yang datang dari Sang Pencipta Segala Sesuatu. Dan kenapa, justru malah hukum dari Sang Pencipta ini yang kita campakkan?  Semoga ini dapat menjadi bahan renungan.


Minggu, 23 Desember 2018

Rezim Ingkar Janji Memimpin Negeri

Sebelum menjabat dan menduduki kursi pemerintahan, rezim yang berkuasa saat ini menjanjikan pada rakyat banyak hal baik yang menakjubkan. Tapi setelah duduk di kursi pemerintahan, apa yang rakyat dapatkan? Lima tahun yang sama seperti sebelumnya terulang (dan menjadi lebih buruk bahkan). Luka hidup yang berharap dapat disembuhkan malah terbuka semakin lebar. Janji-janji yang dulu diutarakan, kini menguap, menghilang seolah tak pernah diucapkan. Tampaknya bagi rezim ini janji adalah sebuah candaan, yang bisa diucapkan dengan begitu santai kemudian dilupakan setelah kekuasaan mendarat di genggaman.

Hal yang jelas-jelas berbeda dalam sistem Islam yang amanah dan mensejahterakan. 1300 tahun lamanya, umat hidup dalam masa gemilang yang tak pernah terjadi dalam masa-masa sebelumnya. Karena ketika Islam dijadikan poros dalam kehidupan, dijadikan sistem yang mengatur segala lini kehidupan, maka jelaslah bahwa rahmat yang akan didapatkan. Maka tak salah jika kelak umat menuntut perubahan, dengan Islam sebagai solusi perubahan. Sebab Allah telah menjanjikan bahwa Islam adalah rahmat bagi seluruh alam. Benar-benar seluruh alam.


Senin, 01 Oktober 2018

Hidayah Sudah Sejak Dulu Menghampiri

Wahai saudari,
Teruntuk dirimu yang selalu mencari.
Bertanya-bertanya tentang kapan hidayah menghampiri.
Menyalahkan takdir Tuhan atas hidayah yang tak pernah mengunjungi.
Kupersembahkan tulisan ini,
Untuk setidaknya membantumu memahami.

Wahai saudari,
Sebenarnya hidayah datang setiap hari.
Hanya saja dengan cara yang terkadang tak kamu sadari.

Terkadang ia hadir dari lisan para ulama-ulama di telivisi.
Terkadang ia hadir melalui nasehat orang-orang baik hati.
Bahkan terkadang ia juga hadir, dari orang-orang yang tak lagi kenal siapa diri.
Tapi sayang, kamu tak menyadari,
Atau bahkan tak peduli sama sekali.

Terkadang ia datang dari buku-buku yang kamu baca setiap hari.
Terkadang ia datang dari tulisan-tulisan memotivasi.
Atau terkadang ia datang dari cerita-cerita yang menginspirasi.
Tapi lagi-lagi, kamu tak menyadari,
Dan kembali tak peduli.

Wahai saudari,
Pernahkah kamu memahami,
Bahwa hidayah terbesar nyatanya sudah kamu miliki.
Bahwa hidayah terbesar sudah sejak dulu menghampiri.
Namun ia tertutup rapi.
Karena sudah lama tak dibuka lagi.
Atau bahkan tak pernah dibuka sama sekali.

Ia berdiam diri.
Di tiap-tiap sudut lemari.
Di bagian teratas rak-rak tertinggi.

Wahai saudari,
Jangan sekali-kali kau mengingkari.
Menghardik dan menghakimi.
Apalagi menyalahkan Allah Yang Baik Hati.
Menyalahkan-Nya atas hidayah yang tak kunjung kamu resapi.
Meragukan-Nya atas hidayah yang tak kunjung kamu sadari.
Mempertanyakan-Nya atas hidayah yang kamu abaikan setiap hari.

Wahai saudari,
Hidayah tak pernah memilih siapa yang dia sukai.
Tak pernah pilih kasih ketika menghampiri.
Hidayah tak pernah pergi.
Apalagi melarikan diri.

Karena itu wahai saudari,
Cobalah untuk lebih peduli.
Cobalah untuk lebih memekakan diri.
Barangkali detik ini dia kembali menghampiri.
Mengetuk pintu hati melalui tulisan ini.

Jika kamu kembali berpura-pura tuli,
Maka sekali lagi,
Kamu akan mengusirnya pergi tanpa kamu sadari.
Kamu akan tetap tak menyadari.
Bahwa sebenarnya ia sudah menghampiri,
Namun tak kamu sambut dengan sepenuh hati.

Senin, 04 Juni 2018

Tentang Warna

Kali ini aku ingin bercerita tentang warna. Kenapa warna? Hmm, entahlah. Hanya saja warna tampaknya mampu menjadi topik menarik untuk diceritakan. Biasanya, para psikolog bahkan menjadikan warna kesukaan sebagai salah satu penilaian kepribadian seseorang. Tidak tahu itu akurat atau tidak. Sebab nyatanya, ada bermiliar-miliar manusia di atas dunia, namun hanya ada sekitar puluhan warna yang tersedia di atas dunia. Perbandingan yang terlalu besar bukan? Mana mungkin kepribadian miliaran manusia dapat dirangkap hanya oleh puluhan warna.
Lalu kenapa kali ini kita berbicara tentang warna? Karena... sesekali kita perlu melihat, bahwa nyatanya Allah ciptakan kita berbeda satu sama lainnya. Dan tiap-tiap kita memiliki warna yang berbeda pula. Dan warna, seperti halnya manusia, akan terlihat indah jika berjamaah, berkumpul bersama-sama.
Aku menyukai warna putih. Kenapa? Karena warna itu merefleksikan namaku kah? Karena warna itu adalah warna bunga lili calla, bunga favoritku kah? Atau karena putih adalah warna awan, warna yang selalu saja tampak menarik di mataku ketika bersanding dengan luasnya langit biru? Jawabannya, aku tidak tahu. Aku hanya menyukai warna itu. Warna yang selalu saja cocok ketika bersanding dengan warna lainnya. Mudah berbaur. Meskipun hitam juga memiliki sifat itu dan lebih ahli dalam bidang itu. Namun putih tidak keras kepala seperti hitam. Putih bisa menerima warna lainnya, dia mampu berbaur, tanpa harus menghilangkan jadi dirinya dan jati diri warna yang ikut berbaur bersamanya. Mereka terkadang bahkan bisa menciptakan warna baru yang lebih indah ketika bersama-sama. Berbeda dengan hitam yang kerap kali mendominasi ketika ia berbaur dengan warna lainnya. Tapi jangan salah, kamu harus tahu bahwa ada yang istimewa dengan hitam. Terlebih jika ia bersanding dengan putih. Kamu pikir bintang-bintang akan terlihat seindah itu jika ia tidak bergelantungan di langit malam yang kelam? Pernah dengar istilah “Semakin gelap langit, semakin bercahaya pula bintang terlihat”? Begitulah hebatnya hitam.
Intinya, warna apapun yang dirimu suka, jangan pernah menghina atau merendahkan warna lainnya, apalagi hingga merasa bahwa warna milikmulah warna yang paling sempurna. Karena setiap warna memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Tergantung oleh mata mana yang menatap dan menilainya. Kamu tak perlu mengklaim bahwa warnamu adalah warna yang paling menarik yang pernah ada. Sebab, orang-orang memandang dengan sepasang mata yang berbeda, dan tentu dengan cara yang tak pula sama. Kamu juga tak perlu bersikeras bahwa warnamu adalah warna yang paling indah. Karena justru warna-warna akan terlihat lebih indah ketika dia bersama dengan warna lainnya. Putih akan terlihat monoton jika warna lain tidak membersamainnya. Hitam akan terlihat menyeramkan jika tidak bersanding dengan warna lainnya. Dan warna lainnya akan terlihat membosankan jika selalu berkumpul dengan warna yang hanya serupa dengan diri mereka. Coba bayangkan, jika seluruh isi lemarimu adalah ungu. Coba bayangkan jika seluruh isi rumahmu adalah biru. Atau sekali lagi, coba bayangkan jika seluruh isi dunia adalah abu-abu. Tentu tidak akan menarik bukan? Tidak ada variasi, tidak ada gradisi. Tidak menarik sama sekali.
Lihat saja warna pelangi, bukankah ia terlihat indah, karena mereka bersama-sama?
Karena nyatanya, bukan hanya satu warna yang membuat pelangi menjadi indah, namun perpaduan dan kebersamaan berbagai warnalah yang membuatnya terlihat menakjubkan.
Dan kamu juga harus mengerti bahwa perpaduan dalam penciptaan warna memiliki aturannya. Hijau hanya bisa di dapat dengan perpaduan biru dan kuning. Oren baru bisa dibentuk oleh perpaduan merah dan kuning. Semua memiliki aturan. Kamu tidak bisa mencampurkan sembarang warna. Karena akan terjadi kesahalan fatal. Warna yang kamu ciptakan bisa saja terlihat mengerikan.
Inilah poin yang ingin kusampaikan. Bahwa manusia setidaknya harus mampu belajar dari warna. Tiap manusia memiliki warna mereka masing-masing. Tak ada yang sempurna. Semua memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Tapi ketika mereka berjamaah, membentuk kekeluargaan bersama-sama, dan mengikuti aturan yang sudah Allah tentukan, mereka bisa menciptakan warna-warna baru dan pelangi paling menawan yang pernah ada. Percayalah.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

A Leader Should Be

A Leader Should Be

Yesterday, I accidentally saw a new article on my mother’s phone. The article told about a minister's displeasure over Jakarta representative's criticism, Sandiaga Uno, against our President, Mr. Joko Widodo. The minister said that it is inappropriate for a deputy governor to issue such a statement about the president. Then I think, what's wrong with us to criticizing the leader, if there are still people who criticize the leader, it is mean that people still thinking, not blind, and still smart. If you won’t to be criticized, so don’t be a leader.

Then, why that criticism was blasphemous, and the esteemed netizens instead defended a leader who was obviously guilty? Are they do not thinking? Just be honest and admit that our current leader do make mistake indeed.

After saw that article, I red another article, and again, make me feel upset. The article reported about the salary of Megawati Sukarnoputri as chairman of the board of the Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP), which has an outstanding nominal, Rp.112.548.000/month. It is only the chairman, how about the others? A member of the Steering Committee receives a financial right of Rp 100,811,000. Head of BPIP get financial rights Rp 76.500.000. Deputy Head of BPIP get financial rights Rp 63.750.000. BPIP deputy obtained financial rights Rp 51,000,000. Special Staff of BPIP get financial rights Rp 36.500.000. Very fantastis, isn’t it? Taxes paid by the people with difficulty, even allocated to fill the pockets of officials who even work is not felt at all benefit by all the people. Just be honest, what is that agency’s actual use? Is it really more important than our nation goal of prospering the people?

Then, what is the respond of Mr. President? Well, he just mentioned that the salary is in accordance with the applicable provisions. He mentioned about the NEW rules that is Presidential Regulation No.7 of 2018, which was recently issued on May 23, 2018.

It is only member’s salary of BPIP, not include MPR, President, DPR, Ministry and the others, who certainly also have a large salary. Can you imagine? The taxes that people paid with tears and blood is to fill up the pockets of them, while they do not care about the people at all. See this fact makes me want to cry.

If Mr. President is  smart or at least has a good heart, he will be thinking that the money will be better if we use to the people. Or maybe to pay our huge debt that more growing everyday. Maybe he need to be showed a list of commoners in this country, so  he will knows that the poor people in this country is still very much. And I believed if that commoners know about this very huge salary, I’m pretty sure that their hearts will scream with incredibly painful wounds.

And worse, the leaders who said that they are represented the people and sat in the chair of the DPR and the minister was not willing to cut his salary. I wondered, if the purpose they were sitting on that chair was not for the people anymore, but to receive a high monthly salary.

This reminds me of the story of Khalifah Umar bin Khatab's, who was carried a sack of wheat in his back, the only supply he had when he saw that a mother was cooking stones for her child. Umar is afraid if later Allah ask his responsibility about his leadership. He is afraid to Allah. And that is what leaders should be. Afraid to Allah.

And believe me, Mr. President and the others who are the leaders in this world will be held accountable one day, in a desert, in front all of the people, on a day when there is no doubt about it. And at that time, Allah will ask them for their leadership during their tenure. And ask them about the cries of the people they once ignored.

Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Hijab for Muslim Women

Hijab for Muslim Women

In the days of ignorance, women did not have the glory and always looked down upon. Having a daughter in the family is like having a big disgrace. Consequently many baby girls are buried alive. At that time, women were often treated arbitrarily, low-minded and utterly worthless, abused, denied their rights, even served as servant of man. But after prophet Muhammad came and bring Islam to the world, the women’s live changed completely. The killing of a baby girls was stopped, women’s right began to be given, all women began to be glorified and considered as men. So Islam glorify the women, Allah created rules about their clothing. We often called it hijab.

The word ḥijāb in the Quran refers not to women's clothing, but rather a spatial partition or curtain. The term can refer to any head, face, or body covering worn by Muslim women that conforms to a certain standard of modesty. Hijab can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere (Wikipedia). But in the context of clothing, hijab refers to the proper dress code according to the guidance of Islamic Religion.

First, wearing jilbab. Jilbab is the clothes that cover the entire body except the face and palms. In Al-Qur’an of al-Ahzab verse number 59, Allah Says: “O Prophet! Enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believers that they should to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad): That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not be harassed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.”

And in a hadith Rasulullah said: “O Asma! Actually, if a woman is baligh then it should not be visible from her limbs except this and this (he hinted to face and palms). [HR. Abu Dâwud, no. 4104 and al-Baihaqi, no. 3218. This hadith is authenticated by shaykh al-Albâni rahimahullah]

Second, wearing khimar. Khimar is the veil that extending to through the chest. After wear clothes that cover the entire body, muslim women should extending the veil to through the chest. In an-Nur verse number 31 Allah Says: “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should extending the veil to through the chest and not display their beauty except to their husband, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male servants who have no desire (againts women) or children who do not yet understand about women’s aurat. And let them not strike their legs to reveal the jewels they hide. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.”

Third, wearing socks. After wearing the jilbab and khimar, muslim women should wear socks to cover their foot. Because like hadith of the prophet that entire body of woman is aurat except face and palms. It means that foot is aurat too.

After that, clothes of the muslim women should not be thin, transparent, body shape or tight and their head should not forming a hump of camel. In this case the Messenger of Allah has said: "At the end of my people there will be women who dress (but essentially) naked. Above their heads like the hump of a camel. Curse them because they are cursed women.” (At-Thabrani Al-Mujamusshaghir: 232).

In another hadith there are additional: "They will not go to heaven nor will they smell it, but the smell of heaven can be smelled from so many trips" (HR.Muslim). Ibn Abdil Barr said: "What is meant by the Prophet are women who wear thin clothes, who can mensifati (describe) body shape dans can not close or hide it. They are still dressed in name, but the nature is naked." (Tanwirul Hawalik III / 103).
Allah rules all provisions about Muslim women in such detail that the glory of women can be awakened and their honor can be protected. But unfortunately, there are still many Muslim women who do not want to obey this rule. Whereas the hijab was created not to trouble them, but to guard their glory.

Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Poetry - The Best Angel I Can Get

The Best Angel I Can Get
-Suci Fitriani-

Mother is like a diamond.
Glorious like a pearl
Pure like a gold
Worth like a jewel.

Mother is like the complete of season.
Like a spring, sweet and beauty.
Like a summer, warm and sunny.
Like an autumn, dainty and lovely.
Or like a winter, magic and fancy.

And sometimes, she is like a wind.
Able to make my tears become dry.
Able to make me reach the sky.
And able to calm me by.

How many times I make her scream out?
How many times I make her cries a lot?
Have I made her happy or not?

Please remind me whenever I forget.
To not make my mother sad.
The best angel I can get.

Essay : The Problem of Bullying in Indonesia

The Problem of Bullying in Indonesia
Currently, bullying becomes a common problem that occurs in the social life of Indonesian society. Because many people think that bullying is a common problem and does not need special attention. Even often the people of Indonesia do not realize that bullying is happening around them. This problem make Indonesia become one of country with the highest number of bullying in the world.
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggresively dominate to others (Wikipedia). Rasionalization of such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, appearance, behavior, body language,  personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. Someone who are bullied can feel like they are different, powerless, unpopular, and alone. This case can make them sad, lonely, nervous, and have problem in social life.
According to Wikipedia.org, bullying is devided into four basic types of abuse; physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. Based on number of commits, bullying also can divided into two forms; individual bullying and collective bullying.
First is Physical bullying. Physical bullying is violence directly against the victim's body. For example, hitting, stealing, kick, pushing, and others. In physical bullying the main weapon is their body. It can be danger because can lead into tragedic ending like death. But unfortunately, this bullying is often happen in Indonesia. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) released data on child abuse rates according to the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) survey, as many as 84 percent of children in Indonesia experience violence in schools. The number of cases of violence in schools in Indonesia is higher than Vietnam (79 percent), Nepal (79 percent), Cambodia (73 percent), and Pakistan (43 percent).
Second is verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is bullying which is done indirectly by using voice as an attack weapon. According to a psychologist named Andrew Mellor, verbal bullying involves a verbal language that aims to hurt a person's feeling. Behaviors that include, among other things: mocking, giving inappropriate nicknames, slandering, harassing sexual claims, and others. Cases of bullying verbal include the kind of bullying that often occurs in everyday life but is often not realized. In Indonesia, verbal bullying often occurs in elementary school. In 2010, a student aged 14 years old kill her self because her friends always tease her fat. And few years before, a 15 years old student also did the same thing because his friends tease him falling a grade. For other concrete evidence, bullying that experienced by my young sister. She said that her friend in school often mocking other friends by using the names of parents, shape of body and threatening. See? Even in the elementary school, bullying can exist as well.
Next is relational bullying. Relational bullying also often called as social bullying. Relational bullying is done by the intend to destroy someone's reputation and keep it away from social life. This type of bullying is usually common in girl. Different from physical and verbal bullying, relational bullying is usually done in a longer period of time. I have been a witness of this bullying. When I am in elementary school, I have a friend that get this type of bullying. My classmates keep away from her because he has so many fleas. She often do so many things alone. Such as study, go to the canteen, and go back home. Finally, in the next year, I have received news that she had moved to school.
Then, Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is bullying that happens online or through text message, email, and others social media. It includes posting rumors on site like facebook, sharing pictures or embrassing video, terrorizing through a social media account, and so on. Cyber bullying is occurs in the modern era. In Indonesia, cyber bullying is usually done by giving negative comments, beatings in a discussion online, and spreading embrassing photo or video. According to Tribun Jogja, our Social Minister, Khofifah Indah Parawansa, said that in 2016 there are a total of 3580 events of bullying and 14 percent of them are cyber bullying.
Based on Tribunpekanbaru.com, the cases of bullying or violence against children in Indonesian school is currently the second largest ranking after Japan. While US is in third position under Indonesia.
According to CNN Indonesia, Director of Social Rehabilitation of Children Social Ministry, Nahar, said that this year they receive more bullying reports than last year. He said that until June 2017 they has received 117 cases of bullying. Meanwhile, Commissioner of Commission for Child Protection of Indonesia (KPAI), Jasa Putra explained, since 2011 until 2016 it has found about 23 thousand cases of physical and psychological violence against children. However, specifically for bullying, there are about 253 cases recorded. This number consists of 122 children who become victims and 131 children who become perpetrators.
The data above shows that problem of bullying in Indonesia need much special attention, because the cases of bullying become high and higher everyday. There are so many children that become victim for this case. Some of them were hospitalized due to injuries. Some of them need a long rehabilitation period. And some of them even decide to end their lives. This is happens because our ignorence of the environtment and our attitude that often assume that this is just a common little problem. It turns out, that it was not the subject of bullying that has caused many children lay in the hospital. Not the subject of bullying that causes many children die. But we, we who have been so indifferent to the surrounding.
Therefore, let’s change. Let’s change into a more courageous and care person. Do not let any bullying arround us. Approach and encourage the victims. Because they are just like us. They also deserve to be happy.

Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Poetry - When I See You Die

Assalamu'alaikum ^.^
Hallo Guys, today I wanna share one of the collection of my poetry. This poetry will be different than my poetry before. Because I write this in english ^^v 
However, I remember that the last time I post a poetry is the beginning of 2017 ago. And now, in beginning of 2018 I want share a poetry too. Wkwkwk, it seems like I post poetry for one a year. Hahaha. No. No. It's just an accident. I also just remember that the last time I post a poetry is the beginning of 2017 ago. 
If last time my poetry told about mother, this time my poetry is about father. Hahahaha. 
Enjoy reading ^_^

When I See You Die

When I see you die, Father.
Sadness gripped me in silence.
Killing me without violence.

When I see you die, Father.
My grief is overflow.
Like there is no tomorrow.

When I see you die, Father.
My pain became more and more.
All happiness like doesn’t exist anymore.

When I see you die, Father.
Darkness stabbed me like an arrow.
Make me can not go.

When I see you die, Father.
The world seemed to fall down on my head.
A million swords seemed to pierce in my heart.
The sea of poison seemed to take away my breath.

I was crying, but there is no tears are dripping.
I screamed, but there is no voices are hearing.
I trapped, but there is no people are helping.

My eyes suddenly open.
And I shocked at the moment.
In front of me he waved his hand.
And still stand on the land.
I smile then, when the fact running on my mind.

Thanks God.
It was just scene of the nightmare.
A terrible nightmare.